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  • #79571

    Thanks — it is really odd

    There are some cams that I open and they never freeze (specific people)

    Others freeze at about 5 seconds

    And others freeze, but it takes longer.

    Just makes no sense to me!



    another update — still working (for a bit) — but after being in for a while, one by one the cam images stop updating.

    It doesn’t happen to all of them, usually… but when it does, if I close the cam and reopen it, it is good for a while.

    It seems like a few minutes before they stop updating when it happens.




    Ok — an update

    I found the .exe funchatcam_client.exe and set Compatibility Mode to Windows 7 (which makes no sense since I am running Windows 7 (64-bit)… but I did that, then it all works perfectly so far.

    Hope it stays that way 🙂




    I uninstalled all instances of Camfrog.

    Made sure all the files were gone in c:\program files (x86)

    Went into the registry and removed Camfrog entries from HKEY_CURRENT_USER


    Logged in, it installed Camfrog Active X

    Still the same.

    And I noticed this morning, If I go in and immediately open a few cams (within 10 secs or so) they work…. for a minute or so, then the image freezes and if I close them and reopen, I get the “Loading Video Stream…” message again. And after that initial open of whatever I open, I cant open any more and get video.

    Would there be any Active X Settings that would need to be relaxed? changed?

    Looking for any ideas!


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